Gullwing, A Leader In Custom LCD Displays and Modules
You have a new project, or you're updating a previous design. You need an LCD right away. It must be right on and compatible with your product. There's no time to do it over. Offshore carries a high degree of risk. Where do you go? Who can you trust?
Go with experience. We've been designing custom liquid crystal displays and modules for more than 14 years. Gullwing eliminates the risks. We'll help you design a buildable display. We'll help you determine just how much to spend on a display for your particular product. It will be just what your product needs, not under built, not over built. We handle every detail, including importing and shipping to your destination.
We design custom liquid crystal displays in the USA and manufacture at one of our six factories in Asia. We can ship directly to your off-shore assembly house, to your country, or import into the USA.

With us you don't need to know a thing about LCDs... get a superior display have it delivered on time know what it costs up front
That's our guarantee.